Ignite the moment with your own definition.
12am,00:00,midnight,在夜色裡交換日子的一瞬,同時坐擁一天的結束與開端。對我們來說,這個屬於過渡的片刻是全然自由的,每個人都能以自己的方式賦予它定義,也因此 12am 使我們對它深深著迷。在12am,你能找到完整日常儀式的那塊拼圖,讓儀式觸發轉化,點亮你對這一刻最個人化的定義。
Ignite the moment
your own definition.
your own definition.
12am, 00:00, midnight, all mark the transition time from one day to the next, the moment itself carries the meaning of begin and end of each day. Therefore to us, the idea of 12am represents liberty. Since anyone can define this time differently, we are enchanted that we make it our name. At 12am, you can find the last puzzle to complete your ritual and generate your definition for the moment.